Sunday, November 16, 2008

I "worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was "my" true medium, a master."

37 sleeps until my favorite day of the year.

24 hours of "A Christmas Story" on TBS starts in 38 days. I will watch close to 20 of those 24 hours. 'Cuz that's how I roll, yo. I'll watch it with the kids, I'll watch it baking the last minute goodies, I'll watch it while Santa puts the presents under the tree and then I'll watch some more.

I'll also watch it while my precious little girl says "Oh Shit" for the eleven millionth time in front of anyone and everyone. Because her mommy tends to talk like a drunk sailor.

Someone give me a time out. I triple dog dare you...


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I thought I was alone these days in cursing in front of the children. I have been TERRIBLE the last week or so. Good to know I am in good company.

Anonymous said...

My kids first word will probably motherf**ker. I should be father of the year. Really I should.

DeeMarie said...

I've seen the House. Are you jealous? I watch it too. As many times as I can.

Casey said...

I'm right there with you.. my kid hasn't picked up the F word but if he keeps driving with me, he will soon. I try to curb the swearing around him but when I'm in the car it just slips out.

for a different kind of girl said...

That one of my kids hasn't let fly with an f word yet is beyond my realm of understanding. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that if they hear me say it, I quickly follow up with a "Oh, heh, I shouldn't have said that!" speech, but that's probably not going to fly much longer.

Also, God bless that dude. I suppose things paid off for him, but if I'd been married to him, the f word would have been flying a lot when he emailed back and said he'd bought that house!

steenky bee said...

I am peeing my pants until Christmas gets here. Ever since the kiddies came along, Christmas is so much fun! Also, all the peeing causes me to do more laundry which makes those last few weeks before the big day arrives just fly on by!